SPACE WAR

            Space war is the struggle of the world's two superpower States, America and the Soviet Union(USSR), in space since 1957. Although the Soviet Union was dissolved, this competition continues today. The war which is not named is called the ‘Cold War ‘

        Information about space over the years has been served from American sources(NASA). The fact that Russia is very successful in this field is unknown to most people.Contrary to what is known, many achievements in space have come from Russia. The most important are as follows;

1957: first satellite, Sputnik 1

1957: first animal in Earth orbit, dog Layka

1961: First Man In Space (International Designation) and Yuri Gagarin in Earth orbit, Vostok 1, Vostok program

1963: first woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova, Vostok 6

1969: docking and crew exchange between two manned ships in Earth orbit for the first time, Soyuz 4 and Soyuz 5

1970: First Data taken from the surface of Another Planet of the solar system (Venus), Venera 7

1971: first space station, Salyut 1

1984: Svetlana Savitskaya, first woman to walk in space (Salyut 7 space station)

Regardless of the source of the information,We appreciate the science and space work of both America and Russia, and wish that their competition will be beneficial to humanity.
                          Let's talk about the  movie ?


                            Genre: Sci-Fi

                                    Time: 113 minutes 

                               Director : Klim Shipen
   Cast :Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Pavel Derevyanko, Aleksandr Samoylenko

   As you can see from the beginning of the article, this is a Russian space film. What distinguishes it from others is that it is based on a real event.In 1985, space station Salyut-7, owned by the Soviet Union, shut down all its functions, for no reason known.

     Two astronauts are sent to repair the space station. These two astonots will either perform a miracle,or Salyut-7 will be turned into a scrap in the void of space. Another option is for America to take on this space isatation in space. For Russia, which has received America's intelligence to 'seize' the station, Salyu-7 will now become a national security issue.Two astronauts have no chance of succeeding.With limited facilities, insufficient oxygen, will Vladimir Dzhanibekov and Viktor Savinykh be able to return to Earth ?

              (Real Vladimir Dzhanibekov and  Viktor Savinykh)
  • This film, which tells the biography of two brave cosmonauts who left
 their family behind for the interests and security of their country, deserves to be watched

  • It's no different from Hollywood productions with tremendous visual effects .

please share your thougths about the movie.


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