Der Zwang
Author :Stefan Zweig 
Type: Novella

Why has mankind fought for centuries to fight?
Why can't people live without bloodshed? When will communities give up this primitive method ?Why doesn't this brutality end even though we live in 2021?
Of course, we can increase these questions…

Many of us have no war experience.Despite of  this, we are against it.From the books we read ,the movies we watch,the stories we listen to, we know that the war contains a great tragedy.

However, there are those who have experienced and survived this drama.Even though they can't forget this tragedy throughout their lives, they would like us to accompany their memories.
One of them is Stefan Zweig.

Although he served in the war archive in World War II,he remains under the influence of the devastating impact of the war.Zweig,a humanist, writes anti-war articles in newspapers.These articles attract a lot of reaction and burned.
After Hitler took over and killed millions of Jewish people, Zweig, who was depressed, broke away from life and committed suicide with his second wife.

The psychological blows that war inflicted on Zweig are also found in his work obligation. Ferdinand and Paula are a married couple.
They flee to Switzerland to escape World War II. However, with the official writing coming in, Ferdinand must join the battle.It will shock them.
 The book describes the events that took place on this sudden development.

In fact, when the author writes his book; firstly he decides to call it "Fahnenflüchtige". After that, he decides to change the name of book. 
I have to admit, he likes my second name better.

The rest is as you know...
Zweig again tells his story with a style and fluency that draws us to the atmosphere in which he writes.




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